The Bud's Tender
What you need to know
The Bud's Tender will provide you with information and guide you along the way of growing and consuming cannabis legally and in a way that reduces the known harms based on evidence. In no way does this interaction exhaust all facts and details as it pertains to cannabis, and it's known harms, both in growing and using cannabis.
The Bud's Tender will only provide you with links or information directly from reputable sources.
The Bud's Tender will not make any claims about the benefits of cannabis, however, will link to evidence-based research or reputable agencies for this information.
The Bud's Tender will never sell or trade cannabis, its extracts, or by-products.
The Bud's Tender only provides information on the legal growing and consumption of Cannabis.
The Bud's Tender will not provide any services to anyone under the age of 19 but encourage those wanting to start using to wait until they are at least 25 years of age.
All information from The Bud's Tender is for entertainment purposes only. Seek professional opinions to confirm any information gathered from The Bud's Tender
The Bud's Tender may share stories from individuals and their relationship with cannabis. These stories in no way constitute any proven benefits or harms related to cannabis, however, is only the stories as told.